

Trying to revive my old Toshiba laptop. Because my HP is about to explode (Horrid POS…) HP…

Got a new SSD hard drive for it. It’s a very difficult process because the internal cd/dvd drive broke down so I have to use an external.

It’s a long process to recover the past. I don’t know if it’s going to work. I don’t know if I’m just kidding myself that I can restore what was lost. Even a little bit. I’m a novice at computers. Everything I’ve ever done has been 10O% trial and 90% error. Nobody ever taught me anything.

A lot like relationships. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong or what I’m doing right. I just keep bumping my head against a wall until I find a doorway in the dark. I wish I was more suited to dealing with computers. Never had this problem with my Smith Corona 1987 PWP. It was twenty years old when I bought it. But it still works.

Memory typewriter for those who aren’t familiar. It was a personal computer for people who only wanted to write. Had to jump through hoops to get the ink ribbons for it. And since they were obsolete, they were super expensive.

Now I’m doing the same thing. Trying to revive an old Windows 7 because it was more reliable than the crap I have in front of me. Because it was a Toshiba. And I trusted it.

I don’t have any money. Pretty much grasping at straws to get my writing up to where it was. For that I need something I can rely on. Toshiba was that thing. I don’t think I can keep up with the HP for very much longer before it goes kaput.

It’s a metaphor, really. HP is admirable. Kept me going. Worked ok for a minute with lots of problems. But I want what I had when I had a Toshiba. I never had to worry when I had a Toshiba. I just did my work.

I want it back. The trust I used to have. I look at the ever expanding battery of the HP and I know it will literally (dictionary definition of literally) blow up in my face.

System recovery…

It’s not working. Never does. Can’t get the best things back, can you? I know this won’t work. I still have to try. Love becomes a necessity when what you’re dealing with might actually cause you harm.

I apologize. I’ve been vague. Metaphoric. I hope none of you feel I’ve wasted your time.

Yours always



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